
Most people have had at least one cavity that needs to be filled and there are many kinds of fillings that are used to treat cavities. Perhaps the most common of those are amalgam fillings (silver fillings). A dental hygienist will help you choose a filling that is the best for treating your tooth decay and preventing future cavities. Independence Dental Group provides the best composite resin fillings in Philadelphia, PA and offers a comprehensive approach to dental hygiene.<\/p>\n

What Is a Composite Filling?<\/h2>\n

A composite filling is a filling that is made up of amalgam or composite resin material. The difference between composite fillings and silver amalgam fillings is that composite fillings are a tooth-coloured mix of plastic and ceramic material to get the colour of your existing teeth as closely matched as possible. It is one of the dental techniques a dentist regularly uses to fix chips and cracks in your teeth. You might have one cavity or many cavities but with this type of filling, most people wouldn’t be able to recognize it as they do amalgam (silver fillings).<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div>
